Cornwall Shinty Club
CSM 8 vs Mabe 2
The 29th November saw the annual battle between Mabe and CSM shinty teams. Last year CSM gained a very narrow 3-2 victory over the Mabe side, only to see Mabe come back and win their rematch 6 months later. CSM, now coming of age in the shinty world, were determined to thrash the local team and put out a strong side; Mabe, slightly lacking their usual numbers, were in for a tough game. CSM saw familiar faces on the pitch as Mabe adopted ex-CSM star, Luke Sparrow.
CSM Captain, Thomas Carlin squared up against shinty veteran Matt Mossop in the centre – the whistle blew, the ball tossed up and the camans clashed. CSM quickly showed dominance over possession of the ball with their speedy players darting around Mabe’s team. Shots were fired on the Mabe goal from all angles but unfortunately for the CSM side the Mabe Buckshee Back, Luke Sparrow, was repelling all attempts and hitting the ball far back into CSM territory. After a quick motivation boost CSM came back with newbies Freddie Thomas and Jack Gleadowe showing some beautiful control and passing between them setting up the game’s first goal from Freddie. Mabe immediately gave 110%, putting pressure back onto the students and Luke Sparrow slammed the ball into the back of the CSM net. CSM Forward, Jacob Harrell, decided he wanted some glory for himself and after a few chances providing two more goals for the CSM side.
With the 2nd half starting, the score 3-1, it was all to play for. Mabe had a new tactic and pushed Luke Sparrow up to provide Mabe with more speed in midfield. Unfortunately for Mabe the quick passing from CSM continued and Freddie Thomas managed to secure his second goal of the game. With fresh legs Luke Sparrow decided it was time to pull the game back. Darting up the pitch he was on the receiving end of one of Brendan Kelly’s humongous hits, dribbling round one, two, three defenders and with extreme precision he netted Mabe’s second goal straight passed CSM keeper Tony Hastings. The tiredness was setting in, Mabe’s lack of substitutions was showing, they slowed and CSM kept on coming. The CSM defence, Josh Chant, Jamie Goodship and Claire Seymour, ensured the ball stayed in their half – even putting so much pressure on the Mabe team that the defence and even goalkeeper started coming up to receive corners. The Mabe team was too tired to resist letting the goals in. Chris Peel scored his first, Jacob Harrell then followed with another hatrick to round up the game. The end score of 8-2 was a great success for the students. The local team, although disheartened, is itching for a rematch. Man of the Match, Jacob Harrell, scored 5 goals – an impressive feat for any player and is aiming to improve with coming games.
CSM Scorers: Jacob Harrell (5), Freddie Thomas (2), Chris Peel (1)
Mabe Scorers: Luke Sparrow (2)
Mabe 4 vs CSM 1
The first marked-up shinty pitch and full-sized goals in Cornwall for a generation, kindly made for Cornwall Shinty Club by Louis Perver. The last match of the season saw Mabe rudderless for the big derby game, though bolstered by the arrival our first ‘proper’ player (Jamie MacDonald formerly of Ballachuillish 1sts – who play in the Scottish Nation League), in arguably the best game of shinty in Cornwall for a generation.
One of the lads playing Bowls behind our goals provided pre-match commentary, with fond memories of playing Shinty at Penryn School in the 50s.
With Ladbrookes refusing to provide betting on such a tight game, it was CSC odds on favorite Jamie Macdonald who took the throw for Mabe immediately losing out to Ellis for CSM. With 5 in the backs and speed and experience in the doubled up Buckshee backs for CSM, it was clear the two Mabe danger men, Macdonald and Mossop were to chaperoned carefully around the pitch, both frequently attracting as many as 3 defenders when they ventured forward, with CSM reliant on their speed to carry the game forwards.
Cracking defending from both sides, kept the anticipated Mabe barrage at bay for 8 minutes, though there were glimpses of Macdonald brilliance and it was clear Mabe owned the centre of the pitch, enabling them to push the English Vice-Captain into dangerously deep CSM territory, never giving CSM a let up with the two wide front players, Skipper Goacher and Noonan. Playing at wide Buckshee forward for the first time in almost 20 years, at 10:1 odds Mossop should have been a sure thing to Christen the new goals, but a characteristicly dogged but scrappy finish beat the full-back and keeper high right as they failed to close fast enough to put the locals ahead. A wrist injury soon saw Mabe down to 9, though they held it water-tight for 20 minutes before finally conceding parity with a nice strike form McCann, playing Buchshee forward in his first competitive match.
With the return of Mossop to the pitch (his fourth injury in 3 matches), the Macdonald, Mossop partnership restored the centre of the pitch to Mabe and the pressure was back on the students. A better Mossop strike putting them in the lead 2 minutes on, though CSM defending staunchly, crowding the centre, keeping Mabe within their sights.
With the students fitness and speed advantage the game looked poised for a cracking second half, though despite heroic defending, not enough was made of the CSM speedy wingers, pinging easy balls into the commanding Mabe centre and CSM defended far to deep. With Chant pushing up the lack of experience and speed, in the backs left CSM exposed immediately allowing a crackingly worked first competitive goal for Redruth youngster Michael Walters (16) and the game was effectively over. Macdonald put it to bed with a relaxed strike from 35 yards.
Mabe Scorers: Mossop 9, 35, Walters, M 73, Macdonald 86
CSM Scorers: McCann 31
Nov 2013
CSM 3 vs Mabe 2
CSM Scorers: Jacob Harrell (2), Lauren Furness (1)
Mabe Scorers: Matt Mossop (1), Annan Birkett (1)
On the 7th December the annual match of Mabe versus the CSM (formerly CUC ) team. Last year CSM lost in a very close game 8-0 however this was in the clubs baby steps. They were determined not to have the same result this year. Due to pitch constraints the match was 10-a-side and extended to 11-a-side at half time to let the subs get more game time.
Matt Mossop and Captain of CSM, Thomas Carlin, squared up to one another in the centre. The ref blew his whistle and the game began. Mabe quickly demonstrated their skill and superior experience by winning the ball right from the off however the CSM defence was particularly strong and would not falter. Balls were cleared right up the length of the pitch but unfortunately the CSM defence couldn’t quite secure a goal. Matt Mossop, displaying his 20 years of shinty finesse, managed a beautiful swing a foot away from the back line on the steepest angle imaginable to ricochet off of goalie Tony Hastings arm and into the back of the net. Mabe were 1-0 up and CSM had a flashback to the year before. But they realised their team was much stronger now and pushed back. Jacob Harrell in his debut game for CSM weaved in and out of the Mabe Midfield, past their defence and landed the ball into the top corner of the net from 20 yards away. The crowds rejoiced as the underdogs equalised.
The first half still underway saw both teams struggling for dominance. CSM, fearing the worst placed 3 men on the Mabe captain, Annan Birkett. Unfortunately for CSM he slipped past these, weaselled his way through the defence and planted the ball solidly into the net with a fantastic hit. The game now 2-1 to Mabe and nearing half time suddenly quickened with a final push of the first half from CSM, sending the ball straight up the pitch within minutes of the last goal to land at the CSM full forwards feet. The Mabe defence, scrambling to catch up, were too late as Lauren Furness sank the ball into the bottom corner and the net. The half time whistle blew and the teams separated to talk tactics. Both teams, impressed by the performance of the other, huddled and hushed strategies between them.
The second half began and both teams went all out. The players, including subs, began to tire with the amount of effort they were putting in. Both teams wanted to win. Both willing to put every ounce of effort towards victory. Yet both teams showed there fear by collapsing the mid-field. When Mabe teed up the ball for a free or goal hit the midfield would retreat to help their defence. Eventually the one lucky ball found itself once again at Jacobs’s feet and he repeated his heroic and morale boosting performance of the first half, bouncing the ball off of the keepers hand into the net. The score now 3-2 up to CSM they decided a change of tactics was in order. They moved one of their best defenders to centre forward. The extra pressure threw Mabe into disarray and forced them back into their own half. Unfortunately for CSM this was too late and they did not manage to gain any further goals before the whistle was blown and the game ended. Mabe accepeted their first defeat graciously and were happy to see such an improvement in the CSM side. The final result 3-2 to CSM.
17/2/2013 Throw Up: 3pm
Venue: Constantine Recreation Ground
Mabe 8 vs CUC 0
Mabe Scorers: H. Goacher (10, 39), G. Smith (14), T. Holbeche (29, 52, 79), B. Glazzard (58), M. Mossop (65).
Mabe 10 - CUC 0
On Sunday 9th December the Combined Universities of Cornwall (CUC) played Mabe at Cunningham Park in their historic first encounter. Following the inaugural AGM neither side was up to full strength with late-comers giving the students a significant numerical advantage. Acres of space allowed for a surprisingly athletic encounter, building on recent fitness training and allowing for a fantastic game of Shinty. Both teams played exceptionally well however Mabe, with the more experienced players, came out on top with an amazing 10 goal lead – thanks largely to a superb game by their skipper, hauling in an impressive 7 goals to destroy the students. The 16 year old Mabe Captain seems set to have clinched the coveted Caman D’or in the last game of the season in an epic display. CUC managed to make some great runs to threaten Mabe however these unfortunately resulted in missed chances. The honorary CUC captain said confidently ‘It was well played by all accounts and the Mabe team did extremely well. We have however begun our training and we do not intend to lose to Mabe in the future no matter how well they play.’ A singularly relaxed approach to blocking from the more experienced Mabe defence served as a cracking reminder of the importance of discipline and protective equipment. Whilst the Cornish player of the year came away with his first scalp for the students, driving his adversary quite literally from the field, he could do nothing to avoid a crushing first entry in the annals of student shinty here in Cornwall. The sides adjourned to the Stannary to celebrate an exciting start to league shinty in Cornwall.